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Miri Chader
Posted on Tuesday, December 09, 2003 - 19:54:   

Hi Dr.,
My little daughter, 2 yrs old now, is very sensitive to milk, and unfortunately I also found out that even soy milk cause her allergies. Can you recommend something else to substitute for the milk?
Thanks, Miri.
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Shmuel Halevi
Posted on Wednesday, December 10, 2003 - 18:37:   

Yes Miri, in fact I recommend almonds milk much better than soy milk. It encompasses all the qualities you would want your baby to have. It is rich in vitamines and minerals, protein and more. It still has another important advantage which is that you can make it at home and very cheaply too. Simply soak 20-30 peeled fresh almonds in a bowl of water for 12 hrs and then peel the thin brown layer off the seed. Now put those almonds in a blender with mineral water and blend it until it is completely dissolved. You may add some brown sugar inside and/or dried fruit such as raisins, dates and figs. After you have finished blending, pour the contents through a diaper into another jar and squeeze the white liquid completely out. This liquid may stay in the refrigerator for 3-5 days. Warm a little before drinking.

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