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Username: Pbayer
Registered: 07-2007
| Posted on Monday, March 29, 2010 - 15:18: | |
Hi Dr. Samuel: I am looking for some information concerning what I would consider Liver Stagnation. This is a condition found in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome etc. where the liver becomes burdened with toxins. Not knowing TCM definitions well enough, I call it stagnation. Could you help me understand this better? Thanks for all your great information! |
Shmuel Halevi
| Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 - 08:03: | |
"where the liver becomes burdened with toxins" is a Westernized terminology not quite adequate to Chinese medicine patho-physiology of this pattern. The liver is considered in Chinese medicine as the great "sprinkler" of energy in the body, actually the organ, or rather the system that is responsible for the free-flowing of the entire energetical system throughout the body. Thus, problems such as CFS has usually, as you say, much to do with liver-system stuck, or stagnant, causing symptoms of extreme fatigue, depression, unable to wake up and function in the morning and so on. Since the liver-system machine is quite complex, it also has many other patterns of disharmony, some stemming from this stagnation pattern and other causing it. Since this topic is quite large in order to cover in a few lines here, I suggest that you read this excerpt of Ted Kaptchuk's famous book: The Web that has no Weaver: gnation+patterns+ted+kaptchuk&source=bl&ots=8vg2NdSB0i&sig=zQfzQWiHM9fQsg_7jYpPm buvpBA&hl=en&ei=M5OxS53kBsKOsAb4luGbAQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ve d=0CAYQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=&f=false That covers the whole topic very nicely, much better than I could have done myself... If you still have questions after reading, let us hear them. |
Shmuel Halevi
| Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 - 08:07: | |
BTW, please post topics such as this under the sub-forum: Chinese Medicine/Acupuncture - Other Sub-topics. Thanks. |